Monday, November 10, 2014

Adopting the Practice of Self Love

I know that when we think of our bodies it is often in the sense of I don't like this, I would love to change that, this is ugly, I am ugly, I am overweight, I just can't seem to lose weight, get in shape, feel good about myself. If you take a moment to think of your body as if it were a small child this is probably what has played out: it has not gotten enough loving attention, so the first thing it does is do everything it can to draw attention to to itself - which is often the source of random pains, muscular discomfort, and even mild digestive problems. The result is getting more frustrated or unhappy with your body, because not only is it not beautiful, now it doesn't feel good either. Because that didn't work at all, it starts taking more extreme action, because if the attention is on too much weight for example, the body then, will take whatever attention it can get, so it will create more of what you don't want, because it brings even more attention to it. Which then creates more disharmony and negative feelings and increases the effects of this cycle.
There is also the worry and fear around this that if we accept and love our bodies and send it heaps of love as it is, that it will stay the same, and the change we want to see will not happen. This is simply not true.
I invite anyone who this resonates with, to try the following practice out, and stick with it for a minimum of 40 days.
Before you get out of bed in the morning, or before you go to sleep at night (or even when you are stuck in traffic! or a time that works well for you) Start at your toes, wiggle them or just focus your awareness on them, and say either in your head or out loud, I love my toes, then move to the soles of the foot, I love the soles of my feet, I love the tops of my feet, I love my ankles, lower legs, knees, thighs, hips, pelvis, groin, sacrum, spine - lower, middle and upper, my whole back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, arms - upper, forearms, wrists, hands, fingers, neck, throat, jaw, mouth, tongue, nose, cheeks, eyes, ears, forehead, scalp, skull, brain, nerves, lungs, heart, stomach, spleen liver, gallbladder, kidneys, small and large intestines, bowels, bladder, prostate/uterus, reproductive organs, skin, hair, muscles, bones, cells, chakras, energy, soul. ** it is really important to say I love my... before each part.
This may seem like a lot or like it will take a lot of time - it honestly takes me 1 minute 42 seconds to go through the whole process. It may take a little longer at first while you are trying to remember all the parts, but it will come quickly in no time!
While you are doing this, try your best to tune into your body and see how you feel, you may experience some discomfort in the beginning, but stick with it and see how you are feeling week after week!

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