Saturday, January 12, 2013

Giving People Their S**t back..A Meditation

If you are like me, you would love to help everyone you care about any way you can. Often this leads to carrying someone else's burden, drama, pain, discomfort etc. with the idea that we are helping them out. When in reality, we are just holding on to their stuff, while they still have full grasp of it. We cannot ease someone else's pains or burdens by energetically holding on to it to "for them." We can however help by lending an ear, being as compassionate and empathetic as possible and being there for them.

So what happens when we somewhat unconsciously hold onto our loved ones shit? we get run down, our energy shifts, perhaps we stop being in such a great mood and cant quite put our fingers on it, try this meditation and see if you feel better after...

Sit comfortably, breathe a little slower and deeper than normal until you feel yourself relax. Then when you are ready, visualize a box in front of you, it can be any color, any size (if your holding onto a lot it can be a refrigerator box), then choose a person who's shit your holding on to with them, and picture all of their stuff going from you and into that box. Take your time and remember to breathe. Remember this box can grow as you put stuff in it, its flexible!
When your done filling this box with their stuff, add to it feelings of love and light, then visualize putting a lid on it, and wrapping it, elaborately or simply, your choice. When your done, visualize handing this present back to the person who owns it. Knowing it was theirs in the first place, and that you are doing it with love.
Repeat with as many people as you need!
When you are done, simply take a few deep breaths, feel your awareness come back to your body, and into the room you are in, wiggle your fingers and toes, and gently open your eyes.
Your done, see how you feel. And remember you are still a great and wonderful friend, and when you are unburdened by other peoples shit, you can actually be a more loving person.
Good luck and happy meditations!

*an addition to the meditation!! I realized that in any relationship there are (at least) two people involved, and you are one of them, so when you give who ever it is their shit back, remember to take back your own! visualize them giving you your box of shit back for you to take ownership of. This will free you to take responsibility for your own journey which is really important in the quest for happiness.

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