Saturday, May 4, 2013

A happiness challenge with a thinking meditation...

Ever have troubles meditating because you can’t stop thinking, sometimes we need to actually stop and listen to our thoughts to create happiness in our lives!
We feel like we must constantly be doing something, anything to keep up preoccupied, distracted and ultimately non-present. We have our smartphones, our tv's and a myriad of other things to preoccupy us so well. They do serve their purpose, when we have feelings that we don't particularly like, it is easier to distract ourselves than it is to stop and listen to what it is that we are upset about, angry at, saddened by etc. because to know the answer may mean that you have to do something to change it. 

So this is a call to accept the challenge of growth and change, you already know the answers to the question of what would truly make you happy, you are just to busy distracting yourself from it.

So try this thinking meditation:
Set some time aside, turn everything off, get out a notebook or paper and a pen, and ask yourself the question “what do I need to do to be happier in my life (or at work, or in my relationship etc.)?” and simply let the thoughts come. Make sure to do you best to keep your thoughts focused on the question you’ve asked. If you notice that you are thinking about what should go on the grocery list, breathe and bring your awareness back to your original question. Our minds like to solve puzzles, so give it the challenge of finding the best answer to your questions, and write down any insights you get. Remember the best answer may not be the one that you want to hear, it may not be the easy one, but it will be the right one for you. If you don’t get any clear answers the first try, keep at it, try again the next day or week, you can try wording the question differently and see if it helps (if you asked ‘what about work don’t I like?’ and aren’t getting a good answer, instead ask ‘what could I do to increase my happiness at work?’) try to pose it positively. And don’t give up, after all your happiness is at stake.

The next step is a bit more challenging to carry out, but simpler to explain.

I wish you luck on your journey to a happier life!

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