Friday, September 28, 2012

Take a breath

I admit it, I am a tree hugger...literally. I love being in nature. I took this picture on a hike that I recently went on, clearly it was well worth it. It was a challenge for me for sure, my still slightly sore legs will agree with that. The great thing was, at the end of it, not only did I feel more peaceful but I felt really proud of myself (and my wonderful Mom that came with me!) for getting the full hike in, no shortcuts. We realized as we were trying to get up another incline, at a pace that was far faster than necessary, it was far more enjoyable to go a bit slower so we could actually enjoy it (and breathe at the same time). It was a great reminder for me, why rush the journey? just enjoy it all as it unfolds, take the time to look around and you'll appreciate the end result even more!

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